Monday, June 15, 2009






Mei said...


Anonymous said...

there's no excuse for the mui wo residents to act the way they did, especially the name-calling against the kids from the school.
but my concern is how the government is pushing forward the proposal. they just made up their minds about mui wo before briefing the idea to the residents and made the consultation process meaningless. on the other hand, the heung yee kok's offering of an alternative in kwai chung seems to be a more flexible approach.
shouldnt the government act in the way the hyk does by offering choices to people affected when it wants to insert a school, an incinerator, a power plant or any institute at a place? convincing people to accept a government decision is one thing, but forcing it down their throat is another.

Ronny Tong said...

Don't get fooled by the Heung Yee Kuk's approach. They're the ones behind this all. The matter has been on the agenda for over 2 years and granted Government is not doing its bit, the so-called "alternative" sites are not suitable for the school at all, both in terms of their teaching method (isolation from the city) and the space (they now have over 200 students and this is a boarding school). By raising at this late hour you are giving the residents a false hope and will only make them more intransigent and make the whole thing more unmanageable!

Mei said...

如同劉佩瓊教授的說法一樣,鄉議局所提出的所謂建議方案,就是荒謬透頂,一句到尾就是確保"正生"入不到場而已.絕對同意Ronny said the so-called "alternative" sites are not suitable for the school at all,我家住鰂魚涌,男童院就在街口已幾十年啦,又有何不可?再說下去,可能又有人表示,不去考慮其他方案,不算是獨裁嗎?近幾星期的初中生因濫藥而出事的新聞,真是近幾個星期的現象嗎?這個根本就是由非普選的政府搞出來的"大頭佛",忍惡揚威,仿傚祖國為榮;1/7/2009是大家用行動去提醒特衰政府的吉日!!!

Anonymous said...

i wasn't aware of the fact that the issue has been two years old. but exactly as you have said, the government isn't doing its bits. what bugs me most is the way the government is pushing forward with the school relocation without giving alternatives. maybe the hyk has their own hidden agenda, that's the way the government should have adopted. talk before proposing a site, not trying to convince the residents after decision making.
btw, i live in quarry bay too and as mei puts it, the boy's home down kings road was merely invisible to the community, but i am not comparing the boy's home with cheng seng.