Friday, April 12, 2013


上星期真普選聯盟在城市大學舉辦了一個真普選研討會,參與者包括三十多名自稱為「守護中環」的人。 這班人在講者發言時不斷叫囂、謾罵、搗亂秩序,講者接受不了,會議兩度停頓,最後真普聯召集人鄭宇碩更放棄繼續會議。會議被腰斬當然正中搗亂者下懷,更成 功吸引到傳媒的注意力,出盡風頭。搗亂者揚言以後真普聯所有活動皆會「積極參與」,一輪耀武揚威後才躊躇滿志地離開。

有人說民主派是書生論 政,真沒錯。會議有人叫囂算是甚麼?很多民主國家均有「市廳政治」(Town Hall Politics)。從政者發言時被反對者叫囂、意圖打亂話柄更是比比皆是,沒甚大不了。便是在特區,比起激進派闖諮詢會、上台搶咪、擲紙飛機,更是小巫 見大巫。強權者以暴易暴是意料中事,怪不了誰。

當然,沒有理性討論是可惜的。特區如斯淪落也是可悲的。但到了這地步,還有甚麼好「研討」? 民主派在過去六年不是先後推出過最少三個終極普選方案嗎?普選原則和定義不是普世價值嗎?還有甚麼需要研究和討論?中央不是已作出了「莊嚴」的普選承諾 嗎?在「普選」兩字上鑽空子、遊花園有甚麼意思?民主派為何覺得需要作出應對?

梁愛詩星期天在電台間接承認了「愛國愛港」不是法律的規定。 明顯地,就是她也了解到「愛國愛港」與否是一種政治判斷,難以加之於選舉制度上,所以她才威嚇港人: 「如果我地真係蠢到咁樣,唔好怪中央嘅反應會點樣、後果會點樣。」任何選舉制度受不明文的政治審查限制,怎樣說也不可能算是普選,那麼還研討甚麼?要是香 港注定不能有普選,也無謂呼天搶地,只好硬覑頭皮接受現實。承擔應有的政治責任,總比屈辱於「假普選」之下來得光明磊落!


Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

what Elsie Leung does not say is that how do you define what is resisting Central government? Does criticizing the Communist Party constitute resisting China? If you look at contemporary Chinese history, using those vague political expression has been a weapon of those who suppress dissenting opinions.

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

whenever China wants to interfere with H K affairs, they have the legitimate excuse of saying: without one country, how do you have two systems. They tend to foreget the other saying: well water does not mix with river water. whenever they think H K people should not support June 4th remembrance, they ask H K to look after their own affairs and not the sovereign country (Master).

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

Ching Cheong is right. China won't allow H K to have a genuine democratic election in 2017 because China fears that H K's rapid democratizaion will have an effect on Mainland China.

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Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

China has taken you for a ride. Your efforts to get a genuine 2017 election are and will be wasted.