Friday, June 15, 2012


前陣子,有街坊問我: 「八年議會工作,當中可有甚麼令你感到自豪的時刻?」我頓了一頓,一時無言以對。八年歲月,猶如一條漫漫長路,感受良多,但「自豪」肯定不在其中。






Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

Being a politician is entirely different from being a barrister. As a barrister,you earn your good living by being appreciated and evaluated by a selected group of your peers. In politics, you are supposed to appeal to those who vote for you. They can be uneducated, unsophisticated and powerless. They control the ballot box. You better know what they want instead of imagining why they need you.

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

I just re-read the memoir Chian chi-sum, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs. He is of the view that any attempt to achieve democracy in H K is a conspiracy to make H K a confrontation ground against Beijing. If his view still holds true to-day, I think you won't have democratic election in 2017. Sorry. May be you should read that book too.