Thursday, March 22, 2012



在香港核心價值上,唐梁兩人均是欲言又止。唐英年在政綱第四節以「推動民主 落實普選」為題,雖然表面上政綱沒有迴避這重要課題,但內容卻並無具體說明他將如何推動民主、落實普選。儘管如此,他總算有應邀出席普選聯主辦的政制論壇,並公開承諾會盡力爭取於二○一七年設立一個最開放、公平及不高於現時之行政長官選舉提名門檻。相對而言,梁振英之政綱卻對如何落實普選隻字不提。莫說競選承諾,連立場也沒有!







Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

To use Zhiang Zhimin's expression: you are sometimes naive. Do any of these candidates have to present an agenda to get elected? Are you kidding me or just yourself? They have only have to please one master. Guess who?

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

This CE election gives you some idea what kind of agenda you should invest your time and energy in preparation for your own September Legco election. As Regina Ip said,somewhat cynically about the last CE election, this is not an election in a western democratic sovereign nation. Your own September election is a H K election with undemocratic characteristics. Don't blindly follow the western model. Tailor it to suit the H K landscape.

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

It is anticipated that to reduce or eliminate opposition in the Legco, the pro-government parties will try to get more legislators into the assembly in the September election. They can achieve this better because their grass-root preparation seem better organized. They can vote en bloc. The liberals whether they are civic party or democratic party members tend to be more loose and free-spirited.

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

Neither Tang nor Leung needs any agenda. The verdict of their so-called contest is already decided by the sovereign master who designed the One Country Two Systems.

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

Next time before you write, please ponder over this: are you a journalist, an advocate, a politician or what. Each category write with a different agenda. Make sure your writing serves your purpose.

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