Friday, March 23, 2012








Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

The chief executive election is fait accompli. What is going to happen in the September Legco election? I would be very worried if I were of the Civic Party. You don't want to repeat the loss you suffered in the last District Council election. I am warning you that the probability is higher than 50% that you don't get re-elected.

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

what we can do is to demand a less corrupt government and a government not in the pocket of big business and Big Brother up North. Remember a former chief secretary and two real estate tycoons, Kwok brothers of Sun Hung Kei properties were arrested on corruption charges. When corruption eats into the fabrics of society, God bless H K.

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

The congenital problem of your Civic Party is that your core members are barristers and academics. You lot do not have the grass-root image and easily get too remote from the populace. It is kind of late to effect changes in anticipation of the September election. No wonder your party suffered such heavy casualties in the last District Council election. I guess you have not learnt that lesson well.

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

The Civic Party legislators have to resolved whether they individually should stand for election in September. If they do, they will face a lot of competition. The pro-Beijing parties have more grass-root resources and their local activities have been much better organized and penetrating than the Civic Party's. If they decide to call it quits, that's exactly what those pro-Beijing forces like to see happen.

Ronny Tong said...

Thanks for caring. Will definitely fight or lose.

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

It seems that you have an audience of one. At least there is no third party overhearing our telephonic conversation. May be we should devise a code language which renders our conversation incomprehensible to any third party.