Saturday, March 31, 2012





有人說多愁善感的人是最悲哀的。上星期有位街坊捉著我的手跟我說: 「你的文章太傷感了,你不適宜從政!」我不會輕生,因為我熱愛生命;我不會輕易言退,因為我鍾情這地方。有時略帶傷感是難免的,在這張國榮的死忌,也是愚人節前,彷彿上天正在愚弄我們。為你鍾情,只望能換你嫣然一笑!


Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

Hope you don't commit political suicide. In politics, one should not get into a scandal. However, some politicians can rebound even after a scandal like Bill Clinton after the Lewsinsky incident. Some never recover and degenerate into oblivion or even worse, notoriety.

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

If you have nothing to do, read a good book.

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

If I were you and assuming you are serious about the September re-election, concentrate on the campaign. Otherwise, quit and do something that pleases you better.

Ronny Tong said...

Haha! How encouraging!

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

The situation in H K, as far as I know, the political parties are rather primitive in structure. People cast their votes either based on name recognition or what the party dictates. They don't vote according to whose agenda is better workable. I don't think the political parties are backed by solid research conducted by non-profit think tanks.

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

If you had listened to my advice all these years, you would have become chief executive twice.

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

don't be nostalgic about the colonial days wearing your QC full-bottomed wigs, robe and buckle-shoes. You are now living under a Five Star Flag and not a Union Jack. Be realistic. My Lord.

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