政制失衡的另一副產品便是行政、立法未能互相尊重、互相制衡。嚴格的說,應該 是行政每天都在限制議會職能,蔑視議會運作。政府力催特惠生果金便是最好的例證。財委會通過了「中止待續」的議案,意思是明顯不過:多數議員認為政府提案 有所不足,需要有最少五整天時間的「冷靜期」重組提案。政府卻偏偏蔑視議事規則,一於霸王硬上弓,堅持申請分毫不改於兩個工作天後之星期二再上馬。當然, 就算政府不尊重議會常規,要是主席站得住腳,也不會出現太大問題。可惜主席意然以多數人意見為由,「行使」酌情權,走上禮崩樂壞之路。要知道議事規則賦予主席酌情權並非要求他把責任推卸於議會大多數。若然,議事規則大可說 只需得到多數議員同意,便可置常規於不理。酌情權不是可隨意運用的。運用酌情權,是需要有理有據、有先例可援的。可惜主席張宇人說穿了只是梁美芬之流,小人弄權之輩罷了。這是議會的悲哀!
政制失衡的另一副產品便是行政、立法未能互相尊重、互相制衡。嚴格的說,應該 是行政每天都在限制議會職能,蔑視議會運作。政府力催特惠生果金便是最好的例證。財委會通過了「中止待續」的議案,意思是明顯不過:多數議員認為政府提案 有所不足,需要有最少五整天時間的「冷靜期」重組提案。政府卻偏偏蔑視議事規則,一於霸王硬上弓,堅持申請分毫不改於兩個工作天後之星期二再上馬。當然, 就算政府不尊重議會常規,要是主席站得住腳,也不會出現太大問題。可惜主席意然以多數人意見為由,「行使」酌情權,走上禮崩樂壞之路。要知道議事規則賦予主席酌情權並非要求他把責任推卸於議會大多數。若然,議事規則大可說 只需得到多數議員同意,便可置常規於不理。酌情權不是可隨意運用的。運用酌情權,是需要有理有據、有先例可援的。可惜主席張宇人說穿了只是梁美芬之流,小人弄權之輩罷了。這是議會的悲哀!
you are right to ask Franklin Lam Fan-keung to resign from Exco. Good thinking. I am behind you.
sometimes you have to step back and reflect: if those Legco members are not of such inferior quality, how would you can be so outstanding? Imagine when I was your classmate, u were you not so smart?
what's wrong with Lu Ping and Chan Jor-yee? If H K and its people give Beijing so much headache, why did China want H K back in 1997? Aren't they stupid? Be careful what you wish, Mr. Lu.
I went to an Elton John concert. You are as old as him, I guess.
I have been observing H K's development before and since 1997. The place is going to be Mainlandized and the judiciary is going to be Singaporized. The question is how fast? You watch.
Maria Tam knows nothing about human rights. Human rights are natural rights which means as human beings we are born with these rights. These rights are not given to H K people by China through the Basic Law as she said. Ask her to take a basic course on human rights at law school.
Alan Hoo and the Tsinghua University law professor's statement is only echoing what I wrote in 1985 about the future of the H K legal system. Did you read the stuff I sent you?
Lau Nei-keung is a good friend of mine. He taught me statistics as a tutor at HKU. I have been in touch with him. I do not however share his views.
First came Elsie Leung, then Maria Tam, now Alan Hoo and Lau Nei-Keung and the Tsinghua law expert, each stabbing the H K judiciary with one cut. The H K judiciary will soon suffer mutltiple wounds. Sigh.
Congratulations Ronny. Your son is going to get married.
If you lawyers don't look out to preserve an independent judicial system, your son will be practicing H K law with Chinese characteristics. It means lawlessness in kangaroo courts dispensing palm tree justice.
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