Friday, October 26, 2012


父親離世時我正在念大學一年級。前一天晚上大家還興高采烈地一起吃晚飯,第二天早上話也沒說半句他 便離開了。那時,他只是剛五十出頭。記憶中從沒跟父親談過一席話。年幼時,家境貧困,他又長期失業,脾氣暴躁,全家人也怕了他,我亦沒勇氣和他閒談。到我 長大了,因喜愛音樂而組成樂隊,一星期最多只有一兩晚回家睡,更少機會或時間與父親詳談。倒是他離開後,我才不時覺得有很多話想跟他說。特別事業有成後, 希望他能分享我的喜悅。那份「子欲養而親不在」的感覺,老是纏繞不散。在這重陽節的今天,這感覺更是特別強烈。



記 得王勃之《滕王閣序》便是在重陽節所寫的。結尾的幾句印象還是那麼的深刻: 「閒雲潭影日悠悠,物換星移幾度秋。閣中帝子今何在? 檻外長江空自流!」人當然是難逃一死;但留下的那份萬般惆悵卻總是把這灰暗的秋天描繪得心事重重。但秋去春來,總有驕陽重現的一天;相信父親也會這樣安慰 我。


Ronny Tong said...

Frankie, Why don't you join my FaceBook page at ttps://湯家驊/211789612184052?
Just click "like" and join in the sharing there.

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

I like transparency and to respond to your blog here instead of FaceBook. Don't forget most of our contemporaries in high school were poor and you were not the poorest. I will continue to write in this blog. Did you receive the articles in English and Chinese I sent you about the Basic Law and Elsie Leung?

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

who else has written responses to your blog here so far? You and I. I speak frequently on American campus and other forums on H K. You are lucky that I express concern for what you express to the American educated audience. I am your comrade in arms overseas.

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

when H K is undergoing a crisis, You need international public opinion to support you folks. Barristers traditionally look to UK. No longer, UK is a second rate country at best. Look to USA. I am here to help you.

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

Rita Fan is wrong. One Country Two Systems is a fragile concept. Some may even say it is a white lie. Can you tell her that I say this when you run into her in H K.

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

Almost on a weekly basis I am contacted by the media outside H K asking for my views on what I think is going on in H K. I always give my candid opinion without fear or seeking favors.

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

when mainlandization takes place, people of your background and persuasion will be branded as vestiges of British colonial die-hard influences and have to be eliminated. I pity you.

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

you need not answer the questions I pose to you in this blog. You should seriously consider them and address those issues mentally.

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

Now CY Leung and Jasper Tsang Yuk-shing are as red as the PRC national flag, the only institution that the Beijing authority has yet to control is the judiciary. In fact I do agree with Mr. Justice Bokhary that a ferocious storm is gaining momentum. However, I differ from Bokhary in that I predict the judiciary will lose its independence in due course. Just watch.

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

judicial independence is a fragile institution, difficult to establish and easy to destroy.

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

did you read my foreword in Ching Cheong's new book? There is a copy in the Legco library.

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

Rimsky Yuen is wrong. Judicial independence won't be destroyed by one person saying anything to destroy it. However, when people keep repeatedly saying things which undermine its importance, a societal forces is built up to ruin it. particularly if people who assume authority do so. Mr Yuen has not studied human history. Look at Adolf Hitler and Mao Tse-tung.

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

Hong Kong barristers only look up to the British way of doing things. When you fight for international support, just behaving like an English QC doesn't help. Wake up.

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

I predict H K's core values will be eroded fast in the coming ten years. Xi Jinping who was supposedly in charge of H K affairs told H K people that their three powers should co-operate. This statement illustrates fully that he did not understand the check and balance of the concept of division of power. Secondly,the so-called election of CY Leung (defeating Tong) was a result of the power struggle in Beijing. Again, that event illustrates that Chinese politics is fully intertwined with H K politics. The fact that H K stayed calm even though there was a Cultural Revolution in China because H K administration was separated from China. No longer.

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

I think Mainlandization is taking placein H K but as far as the judiciary is concerned, another process called Singaporization is proceeding too. Mark my word.

Ronny Tong said...

My FB page is very open. everyone can see and comment.

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

Here I am the lone voice. I like this tranquility. I don't like Face book.

Anonymous said...

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peso puede ser un proceso potencialmente peligroso. Hay

Anonymous said...

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Advertencia: No se secreta detrs de una dieta del vientre plano y
usted se sorprender con los resultados.

Anonymous said...

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de todos los grupos de alimentos, y tener un ma ob iz mesa igrajo klju no vlogo pri na em zdravju.
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El verdadero secreto detrs de una dieta exitosa es aferrarse a lla.

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