Friday, May 18, 2012


上星期天我與三百多名街坊到新界共度母親節。雖然當天天氣不穩,經歷了日曬雨淋之苦,但能與街坊有一個近距離接觸的機會也是一件好事。其中一位街坊拉著我,略帶責備地問: 「為甚麼你不支持拉布行動?」我解釋了主流民主派杯葛二讀的立場後,他有點不以為然地走開了。不到十分鐘,同一輛車、同一屋苑的另一位街坊又走到我面前,頗為不滿地說: 「你為什麼支持拉布活動,令立法會癱瘓?」我頓時呆了一呆,發覺支持拉布與否均兩面不是人。





Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

conveying a message to the average person in the street is not addressing the court of final appeal on a fine point of law. If you choose to survive as a politician by election, lower yourself to their level and accept that reality. Instead of spending your time playing golf, walk the precincts and eat at the tai-pak-dong. Don't spit around though.

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

Remember what Richard Nixon said: Politics is election, election, election. If you don't get elected, you are nobody. Do whatever you can to get elected, even talking at the level your superior education has taught you not to do. Don't bitch in public. Do it the yankee way. If you don't like it: quit. Don't write this kind of depressing essays. You won't get votes writing this kind of nonsense.

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

Don't expect every one agrees with you. Political reality is cruel and brutal. It's not like practicing law where you are paid handsomely to advocate a position. In politics, there are many thankless tasks. You should have started life like President Obama being a community organizer instead of a big time lawyer, even in the case of Obama, he graduated from Harvard law school.

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

You are lucky that in H K, those who disagree with you just swear at you in three-word-verses. In some countries, they shoot you to death and rape your daughter.

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

How does an American politician handle your dilemma? Let's use the analogy of an accountant being interviewed for hire by a potential client, this is question and answer:
Client: what is 1 plus 1?
Accountant: what number do you want?