Saturday, May 05, 2012


汽車的音響系統傳來一陣西門與加芬高的歌聲: 「在那空地上站著一位拳手;他的職業是戰鬥,他身上掛著很多提醒他的傷痕:每一次他被擊中倒下、每一次他蒙受損傷,都令他憤怒而羞愧地高喊: 『我要離開!我要離開!』但這戰士還是留下……」這是多大的諷刺!我甚至有點憎恨這首歌!為什麼他不可以離開?

花了一段時間說服別人,我的創黨中心理念一直是以達至執政黨為目標、以理性務實的態度來議政、以爭取社會公義為己任。什麼時候這創黨中心理念卻已無聲無息地隨風而逝? 是我抓不住它,還是它走得太快?還是我太天真,以為這理念是大眾的共識?


分手是容易的;但也是決絕的。分了手問題便得以解決嗎?再回頭收拾舊山河,人有多少歲月、多少忍耐、多少堅持,才能做到?我自問是一個在哪裏倒下,在哪裏站起來的人,但再站起來不代表已戰勝了厄運;這只代表着有機會再被擊倒。也許答案是民主派應該團結,但還未團結便已四分五裂,哪來合作的機遇?民主派愈多黨派、愈多不同意見,聲音愈弱小。如何走出谷底?今天要的不是分手,而是結合。但這一刻又有誰能共鳴?不期然想起了岳飛的一段詞: 「莫等閒, 白了少年頭, 空悲切!」


Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

You sound like you have a dysfunctional marriage with your fellow democrats. If you can't stand the heat, don't be a politician. I have not read so much pessimistic nonsense from a so-called politician. How are you going to get votes if you are so circumspect about what you are doing? A politician is by definition a motivational speaker. Look at our American politicians, even if they are sent to jail or being impeached, they will still face the camera and say: I will come back.

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

You think a politician is a folk singer. Listen to our Chairman Mao: starting a revolution is not like inviting guests for a banquet. Roll up your shirt sleeves and work at it. Being a good barrister and making big money corrupts your mind as a street-smart politician.

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

May be you feel happier after you quit instead of pondering the pros and cons.

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

ask not what you can do for your party. ask what your party can do for you. The party I mean is not the kind of party where you play your guitar and sing those lousy songs.

Frankie Fook-lun Leung said...

The lawyers of Hong Kong should speak up against Lew Mon-hung's advocating that judges should be more involved in his "One Country" endearment. This additional political requirement for appointment is a dangerous precedent to be followed.