Wednesday, January 16, 2008




Anonymous said...

I have been waiting for your new yahoo blog.
When are you going to release your blog website?

Anonymous said...


Ronny Tong said...

Oh, its already on. The address is
If you have trouble getting on, please let me know.

Anonymous said...

我很欣賞你為了爭取 2012 雙普選的心,但現在跟本實現不了,不如為 2017 的細節而努力吧!!

Ronny Tong said...


Anonymous said...


I dont think compromising on duo-universal suffrage in 2012 will lead to indefinite postponement.

It is obvious Beijing and the government is dragging on the issue. But even so, we can still hope for some improvement in 2012 and from that we can have some idea where we are going.

I am not suggesting you and other pro-democracy legislators rollover on government's upcoming proposals. But at least give it a chance to flash their cards, before you can plot your next move.

Besides, I don't think the majority of HK public would accept nothing but duo-universal suffrage in 2012. They might stick to that wish, but they are still considerably pragmatic about the 2017/2020 timetable.

Save your energy to cry foul when Beijing is to rule out 2017 in coming years...!

Ronny Tong said...

Oh, don't get me wrong, I intend to do precisely that. All I am saying is let's not lose sight of the ball. By focusing on an ultimate goal and keep reminding those in power that our aim is to achieve US as soon as possible, we hope the package for 2012 will be a meaningful one, and not just a regurgitation of the 2005 package. I have no intention to vote down any package for 2012 before it is hatched.